Friday, December 3, 2010

Days 2/3: Plyometrics - Shoulders & Arms


Day 2 was very humbling.  I had to stop and take breaks throughout the workout, and by the end I was drenched in sweat, nauseous, and trembling.  Plyometrics is basically torture masquerading as exercise.

This morning I woke up at 5:00 am to do the shoulders and arms workout.  This one went better, but I was still so sore from the Chest & Back that I can barely bend my arms now.  It's really crazy how fully I blocked out the pain and agony of the first week from the last time I attempted P90x.

But, with all that complaining out of the way.... I am feeling GREAT now that I'm sort of back in the saddle.  I'm looking forward to the relatively relaxing Yoga-X workout tomorrow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 1: Chest / Back

Holy shit, I'm out of shape.  I remember the last time I started P90x... I had to stop my running for a while since I'd developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot.  I was in pretty great shape already, and this workout still dominated me the first time I tried it.  I suffered through it, nearly puking a few times, and putting up terrible numbers.

This time was worse.

On the second round of exercises, I could not do ANY reps unassisted on a few of the moves.  My pull-up numbers, while never very impressive, were abysmal.  I may have done 50% of the Ab Ripper X workout, spending the rest of the time huffing an puffing on the floor while trying not to throw up.

By the end, I felt clammy, dizzy, and awful.  Yup, sounds like P90x.  Right now I'm trying to work up the cajones to go downstairs and do the Plyometrics workout, something that is very similar to torture.

One down, eighty-nine to go.